Advantages of Pneumatic Systems for the Material Handling Industry

Within an industrial space, the moving around of heavy objects and equipment is inevitable. Replacing traditional and electrical moving equipment are pneumatic systems. Pneumatic systems are essential equipment that creates a film of air between the object and the floor, enabling the load to be lifted and moved around an assembly floor easily. Harnessing the use of compressed air, Hovair builds air-casters, airlift bags, and airbag jacks by banking upon their years of experience and specialist knowledge of operating within the manufacturing industry.

Proving their use within the pharmaceutical, food, automobile, textile, chemical, and several other industries, a pneumatic system trickles in ease for the user. Requiring precision in the execution of moving around a load, different industries rely on pneumatic systems for the range of advantages they offer. With electrical solutions exhibiting their limit within certain environments, pneumatic systems rise to the challenge by accommodating any given requirement. Facilitating today’s industrial environment through and through, pneumatic systems have become a critical component within assembly units, logistics units, warehouses, etc.

  • Decreased Vibration & Harshness

Constantly working with vibrating equipment and tools can cause operators to develop certain health conditions. Ranging from damage to joints to damage to sensory nerves, operators within the material handling equipment industry face long-term consequences. At a sharp contrast, air casters eliminate the presence of vibration, leading operators to use these systems with no hassles or inconveniences.

  • Increased Versatility air bag jack

Making the investment worthwhile, a pneumatic system works in areas where overhead lifts, forklifts, and cranes fail to work. Making the process of spinning a load or taking a u-turn easy, these systems allow operators to practice heightened maneuverability when moving around the load. Completing equipment movement in any location of the factory production space, these systems prove their efficacy as a flexible and omnidirectional system.

  • Increased Safety

Be it air lifting bags or air pallets, they are far safer when compared to traditional moving equipment. Banking upon their superior engineering and value-driven quality manufacturing, Hovair manufactures pneumatic systems that are safe for use. Loading on loads of different shapes, sizes, and materials, these systems stop working when overloaded. In doing so, they protect the user operating the system and the personnel working around the unit. Similarly, with no extensive pulling or pushing necessitated, the probability of risks are mitigated.

  • Doesn’t Entail Extensive Repair & Maintenance

Unlike conventional equipment, pneumatic systems don’t require lubrication or consistent maintenance. Running continuously for a long period, they are to be simply cleaned with water and soap. Thus, reducing the operator’s cost of following up on a maintenance schedule. Comprising no moving parts, they are a cost-effective solution for all material handling spaces.

  • No Damage To The Flooring

Riding on a cushion of air, the moving load and the floor have no contact. Spreading the load over a larger surface area, there is minimal to no risk to the structural foundation of the floors. Using wheels to move around loads can cause dents or damage to the floor, owing to the friction. Not bearing any damage to expensive flooring, these systems spare manufacturers the cost of frequently renovating their assembly unit.

  • Increased Productivity

Owing to the functionality of the system, a single person can move around a load weighing close to 5,000lbs. With such flexibility, one employee gets to execute the entire job, without requiring the need to involve several different hands and therein waste productive hours.

  • No Need For A Power Source

Relying on compressed air, a pneumatic system doesn’t require an electrical power source. This leads operators to feasibly execute jobs around the production unit and not worry about any sparks igniting an explosion. With such reliability, safety, and elimination of down-time involved, these systems work to make the lives of manufacturers and operators easy.

The Significance of a Rigging System for the Aviation Industry

With technological progressions shaping the landscape of each industry, the aviation industry benefits from the use of air-powered rigging systems. The presence and importance of a rigging system are experienced at different stages, be it during the manufacturing or the maintenance process. Both the processes being essential to the aviation industry, a rigging system acts as a material handling equipment.

Heavy-load equipment and components are an inevitable part of the aviation industry. Within the aircraft assembly unit, a rigging system helps in moving around and attaching different components of an airplane structure, such as the wings, an empennage, landing gear, a power plant, a fuselage, or the cockpit. Using conventional jacking equipment results in several limitations, such as safety issues or the necessity for a power source.

Using a Hovair rigging system, on the other hand, has several advantages, as it makes the maneuverability of heavy loads around the assembly unit easy, convenient, and seamless. Whether it is an awkward shaped or sized load or heavy machinery, a Hovair rigging system or lift bags is just what the aviation industry needs. Adding an extra and improved dimension to rigging capabilities, a manufacturer instantaneously trickles in efficiency and productivity into their unit, with all limitations eliminated. Following are the benefits of using a pneumatic rigging system:

  • Can easily handle a load of up to 100 tons and beyond
  • Can easily handle any shape or size load
  • Can easily handle machinery or equipment with disproportionate weight balance
  • Kits available with all hardware and components necessary to plug in and go
  • No other source of power required – air-powered systems work on compressed air
  • Liberty to choose from a variety of air beams, air pallets, and air bearing kits
  • A suitable and appropriate equipment for clean room operations- environmentally friendly
  • No specific training required- any operator can easily use the equipment
  • No additional costs for the manufacturer- no training and no safety hazards
  • A quick process leading to efficiency and high production

The Use of an Air Bag

Using an airbag jack, operators can suspend heavy-load equipment in the air in a safe, easy-to-use, and reliable manner. Manufactured using steel woven mesh or Kevlar, they complement material handling equipment. Sliding easily beneath heavy equipment, these bags filled with compressed air, provide the strength and grip required for moving around a heavy load. Having an interlocking surface, they grip loads in a firm manner.

Facilitating efforts to recover, tow, and rescue, an airbag plays a variety of roles. Requiring only a few inches of clearance, yet increasing in size exponentially, an airbag is compact and effective in its usage. Additionally, using lift bags, with a lift jack provides a supplementary layer of control with an air bearing system. With crank handles being present, an operator gets to level loads that require careful positioning, making height adjustments flexible and easy. Floating the load around an assembly unit, the operators gain complete autonomy over the process.

Using conventional equipment for moving around, heavy-loads has a variety of drawbacks. They require operators to maintain and inspect the equipment at regular intervals, specialized training is necessitated, they usually have load limits and require constant communication. Failing to follow through on these set limitations can result in fatalities and the creation of several hazards, which are a risk to the personnel and the load involved. Harnessing the use of traditional moving equipment within an assembly unit increases the presence of unnecessary costs. Thus, with excellent reliability, medium operating cost, and no complexity involved, pneumatic systems are the most cost-effective option when looking to execute the mechanical movement.