What Materials Are Prone To Problems In Material Handling?

Material handling is an essential aspect of many industrial and manufacturing processes. It involves the movement, storage, and control of materials in a manufacturing plant, warehouse, or distribution center.

While material handling equipment has made it easier and more efficient to handle materials, certain materials are prone to problems during the handling process. In this blog post, we will explore the materials that are prone to problems in material handling and how Hovair Systems can help.

Fragile Materials

Fragile materials such as glass, ceramics, and electronic components are prone to breakage during the handling process. This can result in product damage, increased costs, and production delays. To avoid such problems, it is important to use appropriate material handling equipment like air bearings that can handle fragile materials without causing damage.

Hovair Systems offers a range of air bearings that are specifically designed for the handling of fragile materials. These air bearings use air pressure to float the load above the ground, providing a cushion of air that protects the load from shocks and vibrations during transportation.

Heavy Materials

Heavy materials such as metal plates, concrete blocks, and machinery components can be difficult to handle and transport. They require specialized equipment such as cranes, forklifts, and hoists to move them safely and efficiently. However, even with the right equipment, heavy materials can still be prone to problems such as slippage, tipping, and dropping.

Hovair Systems offers a range of air film products, such as air casters and air skates, which can handle heavy loads of up to 1,000 tons. These air film products use a thin layer of air to create a low-friction film between the load and the ground, making it easier to move heavy loads without damage or injury.

Hazardous Materials

Hazardous materials such as chemicals, explosives, and radioactive substances require special handling and transportation procedures to ensure the safety of workers and the environment. The use of appropriate material handling equipment like containment systems, leak-proof containers, and specialized vehicles is essential to prevent accidents and spills.

Hovair Systems offers a range of air caster and air film products that can handle hazardous materials safely and efficiently. These products use a leak-proof design to prevent spills and contamination, and they can be customized to meet the specific requirements of different types of hazardous materials.

Temperature-Sensitive Materials

Temperature-sensitive materials such as food, pharmaceuticals, and chemicals can be prone to problems during the handling process. Exposure to extreme temperatures can cause spoilage, degradation, and loss of potency, which can result in product recall, increased costs, and damage to brand reputation.

Hovair Systems – The Leading Provider Of Material Handling Equipment

In conclusion, the handling of materials is a critical aspect of many industrial and manufacturing processes. By using appropriate material handling equipment like air bearings and air film products, companies can ensure the safe and efficient handling of different types of materials.

Hovair Systems offers a wide range of air bearings and air film products that are specifically designed to handle different types of materials. Contact us today to learn more about their material handling solutions.

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