Lifting Jacks
Lifting Jacks
Hydraulic Lifting Jacks add an extra layer of control to your air bearing system. Crank handles provide the ability to level loads that need careful positioning. Because of this, height adjustments are easy and flexible.

Lifting Cushions on Air Bearings
The round module near the bottom of the picture. Air Bearings are a tool used for moving heavy equipment. They go beneath large objects, like wheels on a chair. After they are installed, they fill with air, which allows you to float the load being carried.

Lifting Cushions on Air Bearings
The round module near the bottom of the picture. Air Bearings are a tool used for moving heavy equipment. They go beneath large objects, like wheels on a chair. After they are installed, they fill with air, which allows you to float the load being carried.

More Control
With our products you will have control over your entire process. One device can be used to lift a load, move it to a new area, and then drop it at its destination. They are ideal for scaffolding, or settings with multiple levels.
Our products can be used to improve your facility, update your equipment, and make work-processes more efficient.

Heavy Load Moving
Hovair Systems Mfg provides heavy load moving solutions. We can create custom products to your exact specifications. In this video, we discuss the way our products work. No job is too big or too heavy for air bearings.
Make your entire process easier by combining these two products. Lift jacks on bearings allow you to move the load directly from the air lift unit. Because of this union, you can level and transport a load using the same device. As a result, you will save both time and money.