Businesses in diverse sectors worldwide depend on pneumatic heavy load moving solutions like the ones offered at Hovair Systems to move equipment and other objects on a thin film of compressed air. Also known as air dollies, machine skates, and air bearing modules, machine skates utilize air film technology to move loads safely, easily, and cost-effectively.
Unlike wheeled rollers and other machinery, air skates significantly reduce the potential for injuries and property or floor damage. They’re an exceptional choice for injection mold machines, stamping presses, extensive fabricated structures, machine tools, and vibration-sensitive loads. The low frictional force enables moving loads with as low as 2 lbs. of pushing force for every 1000 lbs. of load.
How Do Air Bearing Modules Work?
Air skates help move expensive and heavy pieces of equipment in minutes. Just fit the bearings beneath the load and introduce compressed air from the air hose connected to the bearings. When the air flows out of the bearings, it will effortlessly lift the load from the ground.
Our pneumatic tools automatically shut down if the load exceeds the capacity limit to optimize operator safety. Once the load is lifted properly, float it to the new destination. You can consult our customer support team if you’re wondering which air bearing will be most suitable for your operations. You can also check out the basic load module options to learn how each one is designed to meet a particular load-moving requirement.
Requirements for Air Casters
While moving awkwardly shaped or sized loads is a breeze with air skates, you need a robust air supply system that produces a consistent pressure enough to run them smoothly. The air must be dry and clean, as debris or liquids can lead to wear and tear or frequent malfunctions.
The floor must also be leveled smoothly to ensure it doesn’t lead to excessive wear and tear that may impact the module’s safety. Coatings, impregnating liquids, and other solutions can be implemented to fill gaps and make the floor smooth and airtight.
Properties that Make Hovair System’s Air Skates the Best Choice for Facility Owners
Superior Maneuverability and Omnidirectional Movements
Equipment and other tools are often positioned closely in facilities to conserve valuable floor space, requiring challenging maneuvers for removal or installation. Air bearing kits by Hovair Systems include remote control units that provide easier control and maneuverability in tight spaces.
Different loads dictate the load footprint and placement of the modules. Our air skates are flexible and versatile, so you’re not forced to stick to any rigid load moving footprint formats. All components are easy to assemble and perfect for repetitive movements.
Affordable and Easy to Operate
Due to no internal moving parts, air skates offer a versatile, reliable, and cost-effective solution to moving heavy loads with varying widths, heights, weights, and lengths. They’re easy to operate and require little effort to place the modules under the load or connect the air hose. You’ll need to adjust the pressure to move the load effortlessly within minutes.
If you’re ready to save time, money, and energy and make your load moving operations quicker and easier than ever before, request a free quote for our air bearing module. While you’re at it, you can discuss your options with our experts to learn which ergonomic load moving system may better suit your facility.
We offer many heavy load moving solutions, such as lifting & rigging equipment, air bearing kits, air skates, air beams, air casters, industrial turntables, automobile turntables, load leveling airbags, and air compressor tools.
Give us a call to learn more. We’ve made all the information easily accessible online to add convenience to the process.