Beams & Lift Decks – For Moving Heavy Loads of Various Lengths”>Lift-deck beam sets are similar to air beams except that they have a lift-deck incorporated into the top of the beams. This arrangement allows the beams sets to be used in the normal way but floating their loads across the floor surface. However, by having a lift-deck incorporated into the structure, you can engage a heavy load and lift it clear of its base before moving it away.
Lift Deck Beams Sets are able to move under a load (similar to a pallet truck) that is set on a low-profile pallet, then lift the pallet off the floor using the air lifter facility in the upper beam decks. Once the pallet is lifted off the floor, the main air bearings can be activated to allow you to float the load off to its destination.
The lifting capabilities of these units would be ideal for companies that have their own customized pallets or other similar load as we can usually customize these units for use with most types of load platforms and heavy load movements.

Shown here (top) is typical lift-deck set of two beams. However, beam sets are not limited to just two beams, and can also be spaced differently depending on load size and weight.
The lower right image shows an individual beam showing the exposed air lifters and the upper deck cover that are used to lift the pallet away from the floor prior to moving. When these lifter are energized with compressed air, they expand and lift the upper deck to engage the load. Once the load is engaged by the upper lift-deck, the air bearings in the base of the air beams set are then energized causing the complete load to lift sufficiently away from the floor surface to enable it to be floated to its destination.